i remember all those crazy things we did . :D

HMMM,1 bulan 14 hari sdah berlalu mu tggal aku ..:(. tp ak bersyukur dh sbb skrg ni ak dh boleh hepy balik mcm dulu .:). berkat ak sabor dgn mu , ak dpt yg terbaek drpd yg terbaik .. btul dh mnde hk mu kate , bunge bukan sekuntum kan , kumbang bukan sekor , tp xlame lg musim luruh , bunge2 akn berguguran time tuu .. tp bunga yg pernah ak miliki xkan gugur dri hati aku .. mu ak xkan lupe smpai bile2 ..ak akn ingt smpai bile2 sume mnde giler hk ak pernh lalui dgn muu .. xper r,skrg ni msing2 ad hala tuju msing2 dh kan ? taun dpn mu PMR kan ? wk molek la neh .. klau pnjg umur kite jumpa lg k .. assalamualaikum ..=)
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ilham di pantai :')

Diketika ini aku dapat merasakan ketenangannya,menikmati keindahan alam ciptaan Ilahi...Sungguh indah bulan di malam ini yang dilimpahi cahaya dan menyinari setiap pelosok di muka bumi ini serta dipagari bintang yg bersinar gemerlapan..menyinari malamku yg suram ini,menghadapi hari2 mendatang sebagai insan yang tidak mempunyai teman istimewa untuk berkongsi kasih sayang.sungguh pilu perasaan ini,diriku dibasahi rintikan hujan yang menitis sedikit demi sedikit dan akan terus membasahi diriku ini,namun hatiku masih gersang mencari setitis air mawar sebagai penawar hati yang luka,menanti insan yang bergelar kekasih untuk menggembur taman hati ini yang suram tidak berbunga..sampai bilakah aku akan terus begini??menempuhi hari2 sunyi tanpa bunga di sisi...inginku memetik bunga di taman cinta namun ku tidak mampu untuk melakukannya kerana khuatir cintaku tidak terbalas .. ohh,sungguh sunyi hidupku tanpa insan tersayang disisi ini..i always wishing a miracle to happen in my life as a normal person like others and i always dreaming to have beautiful nice flower to make my life happy ending..^_^...:')
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Leg Park with them=)

hoho...2 mlm n best giler duk lepak kat pantai...angin giler kuat,smpai kwn hiburan aku(sewang) terbang reboh golek baham d angin...hahahaha,klakor nguh laaa..mlam maren mlm jiwang,hmm..lgu jiwang2 je mlm maren,phtu kol someone n gayut2...lame jgakla,dlm 1 jam g2....lpas 2 kwn2 nk blik...ak pon blik jgak la...hmm=(...mlm ni pulok cmpur hujan2 dkat pantai,cuace cun molek!...lgu pon jiwang jugak la...hehe,mat jiwang lake kwn2 aku...nmpak ganaz,hati bunge2..hehe,hmmmm...the best memories everrr...love u all my friendssss...kite kawan sampai mati neh...kalau ak ad smbong2,kate2 kat mg sume,sory la...aku ni mulut lepas,bkn aku nak,mmg jd gni dh...hoho...berkasih biar satu,berkawan biar berjuta,.....kite kawan sampai mati nehh... ^_^
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i have a dreamm ..xoxo !!!

All people have dreams,is it rite???today i want to tell you about my dream...i hope you all do not laugh at my dreams because it is impossible to happen...hoho..every day i hope that i became a king's son...i mean prince..i always dreamed to marry a woman that is called Cinderella...hmmm.i know it's all fairy tales and only a fiction...but people say if want something must have a dream..i hope one day my dream became reality...hee=).i am a prince will marry Cinderella as i dreamed,and more hope all the fairy tales that aired in the televisyen will actually apply on the face of this earth...i hope my life hppy ending...hmmm...bahagianye hidup ya ALLAH if it really happen... <3
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so sorry :(

awk,bkpe dgn awk???spe bt awk sapa jd gni...hmmm,dh2 la awk eyh,fokus kat study la plok lps ni..kan dk sje gnggu stdy..ksian kat awk...dh2 la tu..sbor neh,ad npe2 kbo la kat sy...sy sntiasa ad untuk awk=)...bye assalamualaikum...
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ican help u...maybe

awak,maybe sy bley tlg awk...maybela,tu pon lau awk x kesah....stkat maths,mainan sy je ho...hehe=)...tp insyaALLAH sy bley tlg,lau x thu pon sy blajarla kjap,n then sy ajr awk blik...tu pon lau awk x kesah...k la,smpai sini..kbye Assalamualaikum..
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i live with pride....!!!!!!xD

sory r,wlaupon aku jhat,ak x rosakkan ank dare org n xkan pernah,....biarlah kau nk kte ape,x cool ke,x matang ke or what else,yg penting ak bkn org mcm 2...mmg kau tgk ak liar kan??tp sory,aku ad maruah....biarlah ap org nk kate,kite hdup msti ad pride.....!!!insyaALLAH pnjg umur murah rezeki...bye assalamualaikum....
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GAME has started!!!

A checkmate in chess is a position in which one player has essentially won the game. Checkmate is what both players try to achieve. To achieve a checkmate, a player must have the other player's king in such a position in which he cannot move the piece to any position without being captured. Once the king is captured, the capturing player wins the game.

but on the human dignity of checkmate is a fight to determine who is right and who loses ... now, I have to check and I'll checkmate you, who create problems and fomenting strife ... now you must face me,useless king....huhhh,im ready to make u sufferrr!!!!!
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Past time is not a good place to stay!!

The past is the best place to visit,but not a great place to stay...many trials are present in our lives makes us more adults..every human is sure to feel happy or sad moment,but we should be strong to face trials in the world..that falls must rise again to continue living, because once we give up, confidence in us will be faded...:'(:'(..woahhh!!lbeh2 pulok speaking,kkg brusong pulok ak pndai speaking(perasan) hahaha,,,, let's bygone be bygone,but through experience, I can learn one thing that is left of the effect of this self-made ​​faith as a determinant of life and desire not to make a decisive because it can damage our faith.....okelah,sy akn mncube dan cube lupekan awk..i understand ur situation sayang..but you must remember, I do all this for you...i will burn the past time n start with new life...btw,i love u so much!!!<3
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Ombak rindu :D

Wooaahhhhh!!akhirnye bley tgk jugak cter OMBAK RINDU lakonan Aaron Aziz(abg aku)...hahaha...tp yg sdeyhnye ksian kt kwn n adk agkat aku xley ikot...sbb transport muat untuk sorg je lg,dyeorg 2 xley pisah...nk wk gne,due2 xley pegi r....im so2 sory ye mira n ain,x sengaje,mmg nk ajak,keadaan x mengizinkan...sory sgt2....xpe2,laen kali kte g smula neh...hmm:')...cter tu bez gler,mmg sdeyh sgt2,lau ikutkan hati nk nangis,sbb g tgk dgn kwn,x jd nk nangis...lau dgn awek nangis dh,nk wk gane,awek xdop,kite xdop org nk....hahaha,mane2 hk bru nk g tu,pegilah dgn awek,konfem x menyesal siket...sedia tisu bnyk2 deh...OMBAK RINDU<3
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only one

hohoho,terharunye....rpe2nye kau still ingt dkt aku kan,kau still ingt lagu yg aku addressed dkat kau..ONLY ONE by YELLOWCARD kan,xsgke dkt blog kau pon ad lgu tu.....hehe,love u so2 much!!!<3...kalau kau rindu dkt aku,aku lg2 lah rindu dkt kau....huhuhu...aku tggu kau keyh...nnt sampai Malaysia cntact ak oky....aku tggu text drpd kau...kbye..assalamualaikum..
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